Author: PLBH

The Fine Line of Harassment: Protecting Yourself in the Workplace

Navigating the complexities of workplace dynamics can be challenging, especially when those dynamics cross the line into harassment. It’s an issue that, unfortunately, many individuals face, yet it remains shrouded in confusion and fear. This blog aims to...

Retaliation in the Workplace: Recognizing It and Responding Legally

Workplace retaliation can be both subtle and damaging, creating an environment of fear and silence. It’s essential for employees to not only recognize retaliation when it occurs but also understand innovative and effective ways to respond. This blog explores the...

Pregnancy Discrimination and Pregnancy Wrongful Termination

Pregnancy should be a time of anticipation and joy for expectant mothers. Unfortunately, in the workplace, it can sometimes become a period of stress and uncertainty due to pregnancy discrimination and wrongful termination. Understanding your rights is the first step...