
California Law and Gender Discrimination

Despite federal and state laws to prevent it, workplace discrimination continues to be a widespread legal issue for far too many employers in California. One of the most frequent causes of workplace discrimination claims in the Golden State concerns gender. Although California has implemented laws that prohibit gender discrimination, lawsuits involving discrimination based on gender remain a prevalent type of legal case that fills up court dockets.

If you face gender discrimination in the workplace, you should respond by contacting a California employment attorney who specializes in handling workplace discrimination cases.

Overview of Gender Discrimination

Gender discrimination represents one or more acts that are performed based on an employee’s gender. The acts can include preferential treatment, as well as policies that blatantly give one gender an advantage over the other gender.

When an employee faces discriminatory practice in the workplace one or more of the following negative outcomes can occur.

  • Fear
  • Frustration
  • Diminished productivity
  • Isolation
  • Stress
  • Anxiety

Notice that most of the negative outcomes on this list deal with emotional issues, which can cause considerable pain and suffering.

California Statutes That Prohibit Gender Discrimination

Two California employment laws prohibit gender discrimination. Both laws make it illegal for employers in California to discriminate based on gender, gender identity, and gender expression.

  • California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA)
  • California Fair Pay Act

Violation of one or both California laws can lead to the filing of a civil lawsuit that seeks monetary damages.

Examples of Discrimination in the Workplace

Gender discrimination in the workplace takes many forms, including the following examples.


Gender discrimination can start long before an employer hires an employee. The hiring process, from the questions asked during an interview to biased job applications, can be stacked against a gender.


Perhaps the clearest and thus the easiest type of gender discrimination to prove concerns compensation. Paying a member of one gender less money for completing the same job tasks as a member of the other gender represents discrimination in the workplace.


Digital communication that includes emails and social media posts can indicate discriminatory practices based on gender. Just a seemingly benign joke can be construed as an act of gender discrimination.

Career Advancement

Choosing one employee over another employee for a promotion based on gender is one of the oldest forms of gender discrimination in the workplace.

How to Handle Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

If you face gender discrimination in the workplace, how you handle it goes along way towards determining your legal fate. Take immediate steps to address discriminatory practices in the workplace.

  • Collect and organize evidence
  • Report the acts of discrimination to your employer
  • Report gender discrimination to the appropriate state and federal agencies
  • Contact a California employment attorney

Schedule a Free Case Evaluation

If you face gender discrimination in the workplace, the first item on your to-do list should be to contact an experienced California employment lawyer who specializes in handling discrimination cases. Your attorney can help you gather and organize the evidence you need to win a civil lawsuit. Evidence can include witness accounts of gender discrimination, as well as digital correspondence that proves gender discrimination. Your lawyer can also help you negotiate a settlement with your employer that includes legal remedies to prevent future acts of gender discrimination in the workplace.

Schedule a free case evaluation today by contacting the PLBH Law Firm at (800) 435-7542 or by submitting the short online form.