
The question of whether an individual can work while receiving Social Security payments is a common concern. The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides benefits to individuals who are unable to perform the demands of their job or adjust to other comparable work due to injury or illness. In general, if an individual is capable of working, they may not be eligible for disability benefits.

However, there are certain circumstances where individuals can work limited hours and still retain access to their benefits. Read on to get answers to questions about this topic. Then contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 if you require a free legal consultation with a Social Security Disability attorney.

Can I Receive Benefits if I Am Working?

Receiving Social Security Disability benefits does not necessarily require individuals to remain at home if they begin to heal or experience an improvement in their condition. If a beneficiary decides to return to work after receiving benefits, there are limitations on the amount they can earn while still receiving assistance from the SSA.

Typically, the individual cannot earn more than $1,090 per month. Earning more than this threshold may prompt the SSA to determine that the individual is no longer disabled and, therefore, no longer eligible for disability payments.

Are There Exceptions for Transitioning Back to Work?

In certain unique circumstances, individuals may be allowed to earn more than $1,090 per month for a specified period while they are in the process of getting back on their feet or determining their readiness to reenter the workforce. These exceptions acknowledge that the transition back to work can sometimes require additional time and support.

How Can I Deal with Disability Benefit Cessation

If an individual returns to work and the SSA decides to halt their disability benefits, there is still a safety net in place. They will continue to receive Social Security Disability payments for an additional 2 months after officially being notified that they no longer qualify for benefits. This grace period allows individuals ample time to challenge the decision made by the SSA if they believe it to be incorrect.

What Are My Options for Appealing the Cessation of Disability Benefits?

If an individual receives notice that their disability benefits will be discontinued and they disagree with the decision, it is essential to file an appeal with the SSA within 10 days of receiving the notice. Filing an appeal ensures that the individual continues to receive benefits during the appeal process. However, if a judge ultimately determines that the individual is not genuinely disabled, they may be required to repay the total amount received during the appeal period.

Understanding the rules and regulations surrounding working while receiving Social Security payments can be complex. Seeking the guidance of a qualified Social Security attorney can provide individuals with the necessary expertise to navigate the process, protect their rights, and maximize their benefits. Contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 schedule a consultation and receive professional assistance with your Social Security benefits journey.