
Have You Suffered an Injury at Work Due to Falling Debris? Get Legal Help Today

Have you ever been hurt at work by debris that fell? Although accidents involving falling goods frequently happen at construction sites, they can also occur in shops, warehouses, offices, and other businesses.

It doesn’t matter what kind of workplace you are in; a falling object has the ability to seriously hurt you. As the item strikes you, you might take a blow to the head, neck, shoulders, or back. If the impact sends you to the ground, you could also sustain further injuries. A traumatic brain injury may leave you permanently disabled or with residual effects.

Don’t sign your rights away! Before submitting a workers’ compensation claim, call PLBH

It’s crucial not to rush the process of submitting your workers compensation claim, even if you undoubtedly want to start receiving compensation for your injuries right away. Although the procedure will appear relatively straightforward because your employer will provide you a form to complete and file, workers compensation claims can really be fairly complicated.

Without a knowledgeable employment injury lawyer like PLBH on your side, it’s quite probable that you may lose out on just recompense.

Your work injury attorney will help in several ways

When it comes to resolving your claim for injuries caused by falling debris, PLBH will be at your side at every stage, offering numerous crucial services like preserving and gathering accident-related evidence, assisting you in finding a private physician to treat and record your injuries, and making sure you investigate the potential for a personal injury claim in the event that a third party is liable for an accident caused by a falling object.

We can also help with putting out a compelling case for you to be compensated fully for your injuries and supporting appeals in the event that workers’ compensation is denied.

At PLBH, we have decades of expertise and a proven track record of success in work injury claims. We have gotten our clients over $100 million in compensation, and we’ll do all we can to get you something too.

Get a free consultation by calling now

Call us at (800) 435-7542 right now if you’d like to learn more about working with PLBH on your work injury claim. The initial consultation is always free, and if we accept your case, you won’t have to pay anything until we prevail.