
Not Everyone is Protected by Workers’ Compensation Insurance: Learn the Facts About Coverage

The workers’ compensation system is a clever system that ensures that employees who are injured or become ill while at work receive certain benefits, regardless of fault. The system is a form of insurance that pays workers on a timetable, rather than fighting about the source of the sickness or illness or what the benefits will be. Of course, there are still disagreements over an employee’s level of impairment, whether the accident or sickness was actually caused by employment, and even the amount of compensation, but the system works to guarantee that wounded employees are covered when they are hurt.

Almost all workers, in general, are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits if they are injured on the job or acquire a disease as a result of their employment. Workers’ compensation payments are generally available to both full-time and part-time employees, as long as their accident or sickness occurred during the course and scope of their job.

There Are Exceptions to The Rule

Certain types of employees, however, may be exempt from the workers’ compensation system. California and Arizona, for example, have their own workers’ compensation systems. If you fall into one of the following categories, you may be excluded from the workers’ compensation system depending on where you live:

  • Independent Contractors: Independent contractors are often self-employed. They are usually responsible for their own employment benefits. Employers may, however, misclassify employees as independent contractors in order to avoid paying benefits. If you are in this scenario, a competent workers’ compensation lawyer can assist you in learning more about it.
  • Casual Laborers: A casual worker is someone who undertakes odd jobs for others, such as an occasional babysitter or a neighborhood child who mows your lawn in the summer. Workers’ compensation payments are unlikely to be available to them.
  • Volunteers: Volunteers are typically not eligible for workers’ compensation.
  • Maritime Employees: Maritime workers often have a distinct employee benefits arrangement outside the workers’ compensation system.
  • Railroad Employees: Railroad employees often have their own set of benefits that cover them in the event of an on-the-job illness or injury.
  • Military: The Department of Veterans’ Affairs provides benefits to members of the military.

Depending on the sort of job you do, your employer, and where you reside, you may be covered under the workers’ compensation system. If you have any doubts about whether you qualify for benefits, a knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney can assist you in determining your eligibility.

If you have been injured while working for someone else, then you might be covered by their workers’ compensation coverage. It is worth contacting PLBH at (800) 435-7542 to request a consultation.