
Freedom of religion is a fundamental principle in American society, ensuring that individuals have the right to practice their chosen faith without fear of discrimination or harassment. The law not only guarantees this right but also provides protection against harassment based on sincerely held religious, ethical, or moral beliefs.

While occasional remarks or discussions about religious beliefs may not amount to harassment, when offensive comments or mistreatment become pervasive and create a hostile work environment, it crosses the line into religious harassment. It is important to recognize that religious harassment can and should be addressed through legal means.

If you have experienced religious harassment in your workplace, the dedicated team at PLBH is here to help. With our extensive experience in handling harassment cases, we will vigorously advocate for your religious rights and work towards a resolution. Contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 for a legal consultation.

Taking Action: 3 Must-Do Steps for Religious Harassment Victims

  1. Report It: It is crucial to report incidents of religious harassment to your supervisor or human resources department. In some cases, your employer may not be held liable for the harassment if it has not been reported. If your company does not have a formal procedure for harassment complaints, consider submitting a written letter to management outlining the incidents.
  2. Document It: Keeping thorough documentation is key to building a strong case. Maintain detailed notes of the religious harassment you have experienced, including specific instances, dates, and any witnesses present. This evidence will support your claim and strengthen your case.
  3. Fight It: Contact PLBH to seek assistance in fighting back against religious harassment. We will guide you through the process of filing a formal complaint with the relevant state authorities, ensuring that your case is thoroughly investigated. Additionally, our experienced attorneys will provide legal representation and pursue necessary actions to secure compensation for the abuse you have endured.

Concerns About Retaliation? We Have Your Back

Fear of retaliation often prevents victims from coming forward and reporting religious harassment. If you are worried about potential repercussions, rest assured that we can help protect your rights. While we cannot prevent an employer from attempting to retaliate, we will ensure that you are safeguarded if retaliation occurs. Whether it involves wrongful termination, demotion, schedule changes, or pay cuts, we will fight to restore your prior position and pursue additional monetary compensation for any retaliation.

Call Now to Learn More

If you believe you have a religious harassment case, we encourage you to contact us at (800) 435-7542 for a free initial consultation. At PLBH, we understand the sensitive nature of these cases and take many harassment cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning you do not have to pay any legal fees unless we win your case. Our dedicated team is ready to listen to your concerns, provide guidance, and work diligently to protect your religious rights in the face of harassment.