Employment Attorney in Rialto CA

Protect your right to fair treatment in the workplace with PLBH as your employment attorney in Rialto CA.

While it’s commendable that both the state of California and the federal government want to protect the rights of workers, unfortunately the result is an overlapping patchwork of state and federal laws that can be very confusing to the layperson. If you’ve been harassed or discriminated against at work, you may be feeling understandably confused about your next steps.

Fortunately, you really have to do just one thing:

Hire PLBH as your Employment Attorney in Rialto CA

At Perona, Langer, Beck and Harrison, we know all the nuances of the laws and procedures that apply to your case. You can trust us to provide our honest and reliable opinion of the merits of your case and your potential for receiving compensation.

As your employment attorney in Rialto CA, we will fight aggressively for you to receive full and fair compensation for the mistreatment you have suffered in the workplace. This may include:

  • Back pay
  • Front pay
  • Emotional distress damages
  • Reversal of adverse job actions
  • Punitive damages

We Handle All Kinds of Cases

After many years as an employment attorney in Rialto CA, PLBH has gathered ample experience in a diverse range of cases. Our core practice areas are:

  • Discrimination: Just about any adverse job action that is based purely on your race, gender, religion, etc. can qualify as discrimination. You do not have to stand for this kind of mistreatment. Instead, you can hold your employer liable for their illegal actions with help from PLBH.
  • Wrongful Termination: If you have been the victim of wrongful termination, an employment attorney in Rialto CA can help you get your job back. Or, if you prefer, we can focus on securing monetary compensation.
  • Harassment: We handle all kinds of harassment cases, including sexual harassment cases related to coercion for sexual favors as well as cases based on offensive remarks regarding race, gender, religion, etc.
  • Wage & Hour Claims: Is your employer refusing to pay overtime? Do you never get your full meal and rest breaks? With help from PLBH, you can hold your employer accountable for their violations of relevant wage and hour laws.
  • Workers’ Compensation: PLBH is known as a particularly effective workers’ comp attorney, having won over $100 million for our clients in the past 15 years. We represent victims of workplace accidents as well as individuals afflicted with occupational illnesses.

Some cases can be resolved fairly quickly in negotiations between your employer and your employment attorney in Rialto CA. In other cases, we need to take the matter to court for a decision. In either situation, PLBH will dedicate ample time and attention to your case to ensure the most favorable resolution possible.

You Can Afford Quality Representation

At PLBH, we do not want anyone to have to endure violations of their rights simply because they think they can’t afford to hire an attorney. We provide free initial consultations and accept many clients on a contingency fee basis, so that you only have to pay our fee if and when we win your case.

To schedule your free initial consultation with an experienced employment attorney in Rialto CA, please call (800) 435-7542 now.