Industrial Accidents Attorney in Santa Ana CA

Find Out How You Can Get Help from an Industrial Accidents Attorney in Santa Ana CA

An industrial worker can be exposed to a wide range of hazards and could be eligible for compensation for any injuries they incur as a result.

If you have been injured while on an industrial site, or working for one, then an Industrial Accidents Attorney in Santa Ana CA might be able to help you. Read on to learn more and then contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 to request a consultation.

Industrial Accidents Can Occur for a Wide Range of Reasons

Industrial accidents can be brought on by careless or negligent behavior as well as harmful working circumstances. In many cases, OSHA violations lead to these accidents. This could include ladders that have been improperly placed, a lack of fall protection for employees, improper guarding on equipment and machinery, or scaffolding requirements not being met.

Inadequate hazard communication standards, problems with electric systems, dangerous electrical wiring techniques, hazardous energy controls, and unsafely operated industrial trucks are some other examples. Lack of protection against respiratory dangers is another. It’s time to seek assistance from an Industrial Accidents Attorney in Santa Ana CA if you were forced to work in these or other similarly hazardous situations.

A Workers Compensation Claim Might Be the First Recommendation from Your Industrial Accidents Attorney in Santa Ana CA

In the majority of cases, an industrial worker will be compensated for any injuries experienced while working thanks to the workers compensation insurance provided by their company. Because you do not need to establish that someone was to blame for the disaster, this is often the simplest choice.

Instead, your Industrial Accidents Attorney in Santa Ana CA only needs to prove that you were injured at the job site. We will help prepare your claim so that you can pay your medical costs, get help with your lost wages, and look into whether or not you qualify for a permanent disability award.

The Best Option Might Be a Personal Injury Claim with the Help of an Industrial Accidents Attorney in Santa Ana CA

It is often the case that a person who has grounds for a workers’ compensation claim could also have grounds for a personal injury claim. This is otherwise known as a third-party claim

It’s crucial to see an Industrial Accidents Attorney in Santa Ana CA so you can ascertain whether you have a third-party claim. You can pursue damages for your suffering, emotional distress, time spent in life care, lost pay, and death benefits provided you have a third-party claim.

Reach Out to Learn More During Your Free Legal Consultation

You may have questions since claims and lawsuits involving industrial accidents can be complicated. Fortunately, PLBH can address almost any query you may have given its more than 50 years of experience with personal injury and workers’ compensation cases. To schedule a free initial consultation with an Industrial Accidents Attorney in Santa Ana CA, contact us at (800) 435-7542 at any time.