
You Have Found the Law Firm That Can Help You if You Suffer Injury as the Result of Occupational Diseases

Are you ill as a result of your job? If you can demonstrate that you have an occupational disease, you may be eligible for benefits under workers’ compensation. These benefits are intended to cover your medical expenses and make up for any lost wages you may have experienced while ill. Your family may get a death payment from workers compensation if you contract a fatal occupational condition.

Keep reading to learn more about occupational diseases and your legal recourse if you are affected by them. Then contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 to request a free legal consultation.

Understanding what occupational diseases are

An occupational disease, broadly defined, is any ailment that is brought on by circumstances unique to your line of work or industry that puts you at higher risk than the general population. Typical instances of occupational illnesses include asbestosis, mesothelioma, mercury toxicity, silicosis, lead toxicity, radiation toxicity, certain types of cancers.

How to make a workers’ compensation claim

It is crucial to have legal counsel assist you in creating and submitting your claim if you believe you may have an occupational sickness. Why? Because establishing that an illness meets the criteria for an occupational ailment is tough and complicated due to the numerous intricacies in the legal concepts at play.

PLBH has a lot of expertise handling instances of occupational sickness, fortunately. We will make sure that every piece of supporting documentation is included in your claim in order to build the greatest case we can for your eligibility for fair and comprehensive workers’ compensation payments. Additionally, we’ll make sure your paperwork is prepared and submitted on time, and we’ll assist you understand the deadlines for filing an occupational disease claim.

Can you afford to hire an attorney?

Absolutely. At PLBH, we are aware that people who suffer from occupational ailments frequently have to contend with significant medical bills. We offer our services as your workers comp attorney on a contingency fee basis since we don’t want to increase your burdens. Until we prevail in your case, there is no fee due.

Simply call us at (800) 435-7542 to learn more and arrange for a free introductory consultation.